Wednesday, September 11, 2013

A Catch Up and A Marathon Mission of Musical Proportions

I am a terrible blogger. Actually, I'm an overwhelmed blogger with acute senioritis and a busy schedule to boot. Not that those facts excuse me from being MIA from this blog. I've been finding some seriously great music lately, but haven't had to the time to write about it. So, I'm going to try to hit as much as I can in this one blog post. Ready? Here we go...

Bastille- A British band, they bring electro-pop and alt rock together in a strangely captivating combination. You might have heard their track "Pompeii," which is a great song, but check out "Things We Lost in the Fire" which has more of a MSMR feel. Super amazing band.

Miley at the VMA's- crappy performance + shock value= two thumbs down from this blogger

Drake- His new track "Hold on We're Going Home" is a nice return to more of the "Find Your Love" format that honestly works better than his mediocre rapping. Not saying it's a good song, nor am I condoning the auto-tune, but I can handle it more than "HYFR," that's for sure.

Jesse McCartney is making a comeback. Not sure if that's a good thing. I thought we had lost him after his barely successful effort in 2010. Unfortunately, he's trying again. "Back Together" is not a good song, but I suppose it's less painful than "Beautiful Soul."

Panic! At the Disco "Miss Jackson" and "This is Gospel"- Holly heck on a stick. Seriously, these songs are a beautiful fusion of A Fever You Can't Sweat Out and Fall out Boy, in a good way. I love the new styles they are experimenting with and the courage they are demonstrating with said experimentation. I am so excited for the new album to come out in October!

Well, I'm sorry that's so quick, but I just wanted to hit as many major points as possible. I'll start trying to start regularly blogging on Wednesday nights. Hopefully. :)

Until then,

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